Monday, February 21, 2022

Work from home they said... - How?

How to make working from home a success?

Check our shop as we designed
not-so-serious clothes inspired by
the experience of working from home. 

The idea of working from home appeals to many people. There are often stories in the media about people who have given up their 9 to 5 - office jobs and managed to run a successful business from the comfort of their own homes. The idea may seem appealing, but it's not always that easy to do, especially in the beginning. In this article, I am going to give advice on what it takes to make a home business work and succeed in the future.

Anyone who works from home needs to be able to separate their home life from their work life. This may seem quite simple to do, but in reality, it is quite difficult. When you sit down at your desk to work in the office at work you don't even think about washing, ironing, cleaning or watching TV. However, the fact that the house can be untidy starts to bother you when you are working at home. You are able to fully concentrate on the work you are doing when you don't think about it or even know that you have to tidy up, cook dinner etc. When you work from home all these responsibilities are in your face and it can be very easy for you to fall into the trap of doing more household work than your actual business work.

During a session named: Personal goals,  FuuZzi can do prepare:  your financial plan, household rota and budgeting
During a session named: Personal goals,
 FuuZzi can do prepare: 
your financial plan, household rota and budgeting.

Home schedule - it is very important to be strong and disciplined. I have been working from home for about 4 years now, I set my own hours and changed them a couple of times depending on the variety of events which appears and time of the year as I have the family life to manage too. And for example, now I work from 6am until 2pm because between 6am and 9am nobody usually calls to me and the household is still asleep. I have an office which I only leave when I really have to, for example, to get a drink or go to the toilet. There is no TV in my office, only documents, a comfortable sofa and diplomas.

To succeed in working from home, you need to have a lot of self-confidence and learn to be disciplined and plan your next working day. FuuZzi helps you with this and you will see for yourself that some months everything goes smoothly, while in other months everything seems to go wrong. Self-confidence is essential to get through the negative periods as well as a bit of help as you will be taking on different roles from day to day and depending on the industry you could be your own secretary, engineer or organiser of outdoor events to promote your business.

you could be your own secretary, engineer or organiser of outdoor events to promote your business.
You could be your own secretary, organiser
IT manager, Marketing specialist or get help.

Budgeting - financial planning and money management at home, at work and on holiday - it's all yours now. I always find it useful to save money from periods when I'm doing well to cover costs in periods of business downturn and this helps me to move forward even when there is a shortage of clients, which just happened over the Christmas period for example. 

People who work from home need to be able to stay motivated no matter what. There is no boss to force us to work or other people to bounce ideas off of. Some people find that working from home can be quite lonely and quickly return to a full-time job where they have the opportunity to interact with other people more often. It's important to remember all the benefits of working from home when we have a slowdown or when we feel a bit lonely.

In my opinion, there is nothing better than being self-employed and working from home. I'm sure many other people can do it too if they just have the right attitude and are open enough to make some questions, research and abilities.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Online Home Based Business

In any typical affiliate program, you get promotional materials after joining their online home-based business.
In any typical affiliate program,
you get promotional materials after joining
their online home-based business.
There are literally thousands of affiliate marketing programs where you can start an online home-based business.  But being haphazardly a member of an affiliate program isn't enough. Bear in mind, you should be able to generate targeted leads. This is the only way to get a return on your efforts.

In any typical affiliate program, you get promotional materials after joining their online home-based business. Very often these are newsletters, websites, graphical advertisements and materials for email marketing.

Most online home-based businesses pay the affiliates monthly by their management program. Some pure MLM businesses transfer the commission to your account as a sale occurs. But make sure of the transaction process like direct deposit or PayPal options. Planning is the most important factor in succeeding in any home-based business. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. 

Perhaps you are excited to bring change to your life - you are looking for financial freedom and time freedom. Keep it real and the patience to consult with a home business mentor who has already been successful and made lots of money in a home-based business.  Get a business plan diagram from an affiliate program.

How do you create multiple streams of income for your home-based business?

If you are starting something online, it can seem like a great adventure to discover new ways to make money. I would suggest starting small and growing steadily. Diversification in your online home business is a good thing to consider. Never put all your eggs in one basket. Play it safe.

 Affiliate to several affiliate programs. This will help you promote all of them at once and make your business more credible. And if one business is stagnant, you can profit from others. This is called multiple streams of income.

The real money comes from real marketing. Online business is easy as where you can start anything from, in the comfort of your home. But you should take care of the following seven points to succeed in any online marketing home business:

Online business is easy as where you can start anything from, in the comfort of your home.
Online business is easy
as where you can start anything from,
in the comfort of your home. 
1. Sell your own product and earn the highest profit margin. You can make it your main focus.

2. Sell related products/services that complement your business.

3. Recommend your company's products/services. Start selling the system. This will give you the maximum commission per sale.

4. You can also sell space if your online business becomes popular.

5. Share your online resources with similar people in other businesses. Because this is the best thing to increase your online presence.

6. Build your own affiliate program.

Making money in your home business.

Would you like to make money by starting your own home business? People choose to work from home for several reasons, such as wanting to stay home with their children, needing an extra income or simply being dissatisfied with their current job. A home business will provide you with an exciting way to make money and be your own boss. Numerous opportunities are available for online marketers. When starting a home business, develop a business plan and thoroughly research the options available. Making smart decisions and following your business plan every step of the way can help you create a steady stream of income. Running a home business will require hard work and effort. You will not become rich overnight. It will take determination to succeed as an internet marketer. The amount of money you make will be directly related to the amount of work you are willing to do.

When creating your business plan, including both short-term and long-term goals. Determine how you will achieve these goals and put your plan into action. Affiliate programs are excellent home business programs and there are many other internet marketing offerings that will create a steady income if you are willing to put in the effort. Some of these opportunities may require an initial investment from you and some others are free. Research all internet marketing opportunities carefully to make sure you understand the terms and conditions.

Don't let self-doubt stop you from achieving your goals.

As an internet marketer, you will need to differentiate yourself from your competitors if you want to be successful. You should know your target audience and know your competition even better. Don't let self-doubt stop you from achieving your goals. Every successful internet marketer gives their business the best effort possible. Hard work and determination will make your home business successful and provide you with a steady stream of income.

Starting a home-based business is one of the most exciting and challenging ventures you will ever undertake. A solid business plan and the will to succeed will make you stand out from the competition. Carefully choose the products or services you provide. Make sure your services will be needed in the long term and make customer service your priority. A loyal customer base is a key to the success or failure of your home business. A home business is a great way to gain independence and financial freedom. A solid business plan and a strong work ethic are all you need to succeed.

Who's FuuZzi's clients are?

 In a few words who comes to FuuZzi for help and why?

FuuZzi is taking care of starting a new business - the logo, preparing the company name, business projects, plan, ads, budget plan,
FuuZzi is taking care of starting a new business -
the logo, preparing the company name,
business projects, plan, ads, budget plan...
Definitely, people who have hobbies and have a lack of time to turn a hobby into a business. FuuZzi is taking care of starting a new business - the logo, preparing the company name, business projects, plan, ads, budget plan, rotations in their household, etc. They are free from all the setup that helps them through the whole process of starting a new business. They can do what they do best while FuuZzi company take care of their future business in the background. My clients' passions like cooking, recipe making, sewing clothes, taking photos, handmade candles etc are their main activity and this we try to advertise and show the word to help them make money from what they do best. They don't need to know how to set up a website or connect it with booking and their calendar on their phone because FuuZzi company do it for them. The client just getting enquiries from future customers. They are able to be free from setting up a website, a logo and ordering business cards because that is what we do, do for them to make them free from being overwhelmed during the whole business set-up process needed. That's FuuZzi's job.

FuuZzi's clients are self-motivated and energized after the first meeting because they are not overwhelmed anymore.
FuuZzi's clients are self-motivated and energized
after the first meeting because
they are not overwhelmed anymore.

They are also free from planning meal times, (if they wish to during the personal goals meeting) time with the kids and shopping because we do prepare a planner for them if they want to manage their time at home and all tasks better and they can focus on going step by step rather than planning. They can just follow the steps we prepare during meetings where we talk about their needs, pets, routine, kids routine, tasks needed for business etc.

Most of FuuZzi's clients are self-motivated and energized after the first meeting because not overburdening themselves with work and home responsibilities anymore gives them a renewed zest for life and the strength to take action. They are motivated enough by the very thought of fulfilling their dreams and we are so excited too.

They also don't have to worry when they are looking for emergency solutions because FuuZzi prepares solutions for them during emergency sessions. They can schedule a contingency meeting anytime after their first paid session, which will be in writing or by phone outside of business hours when something catches their eye or a new problem arises. This way they don't have to worry, they get solutions, guidance or tools. This way my clients are free from worry and can prioritise instead of worrying about the many little things that my colleagues and I already have experience in and just know what to do, for us what surprises a client is usually not a new experience.

Freedom makes people think differently. They are able to focus on what is most important instead of thinking about their worries.
Freedom makes people think differently.
They are able to focus on what is most important
instead of thinking about their worries. 

Does it work well? Yes, because you can sleep peacefully without any worries. When you encounter any problems, you can get solutions quickly. There is no need to over-think, you are not overwhelmed, you can be relaxed and focus on solutions.

Freedom makes people think differently. They are able to focus on what is most important instead of thinking about their worries. People who find solutions quickly are relaxed, less prone to depression and can feel comfortable in their lives. FuuZzi doesn't tell them exactly what to do but shows a min 3 possible solutions for 1 issue. They can sleep well, feel free, no longer feel alone with their worries and can just do what they want instead of worrying about other things.

Friday, February 18, 2022

My experience with WWW...

Worst customer service ever - GoDaddy sites, Ugliest - WordPress, Most expensive I used - Squarespace. I've had websites with them but abandoned them for various reasons.

Dear GoDaddy Sites, your website builder inspired me, (it's quite nice and theoretically easy to use) to switch from Square Space. Where things were going really well until I needed a booking site. Which was just too expensive for me at the time. (£16 per month) I couldn't connect any others, even as a plugin or widget and that was the main reason for my decision to go elsewhere. The price of £25 per month for just the site without the ability to book was quite high and I couldn't afford to pay the extra £16. Still, it is a great offer as I have tried to set up a sales page and have a comparison. Although, on the other hand now I'm not even paying £20 for what I needed. Even if I wanted to, it was also impossible because Square Space accept only #businesspaypal - to be connected with a booking site and I couldn't set that up because they tried to tax me in the USA. My accountant, the city council, the employment agency and my lawyer all saw the documents sent by Business PayPal and no one could tell me what to do to stop them from closing my account and forcing me to pay tax in the US, in the end, I walked away from Business PayPal with no idea how to resolve this. 

When I left my beautiful Square Space website, where I also couldn't create multilingual pages and the only solution to have a page in another language was to write it a second time in another language - which, despite my great patience, was exhausting even for me.  I prepared a double page. Yes, two pages on which I wrote the same thing step by step. So that I could show my services, and in the end, I couldn't sell them because of the booking prices. They have a beautiful template very, very helpful customer service that will do everything you need in a real-time step by step with you but, they are too expensive for me and yet this inability to install plugins and no translation into other languages and only accepting Busines PayPal, well I couldn't deal with that. I'm probably not that flexible haha.

Dear GoDaddy Sites, since I started working with you I loose £300...
Dear GoDaddy Sites, since I started
working with you I lose £300...

GoDaddy was very helpful at this stage as the cheapest (much cheaper) option to get a booking site. But their customer service is the worst I have ever encountered - the worst!

1. The first issue appears, When you cancel an appointment for your client, there is no confirmation on their invoice, e-mail or whenever. You have to do it by yourself and first of all, be creative as F#*K. As the payment still appears on the website and your clients receive confirmation of their appointments via text and email, but not of the cancellation. Guess what, customer service can't help!

Most expensive website service I've used - Squarespace
Most expensive website service
 I've used - Squarespace
2. The second is your service descriptions, When you describe meetings or services in bullet points, it will be one long sentence in mobile view. And yes, I asked them for help. But customer service said it is what it is. Nothing can be done about it! They simply just don't care.

3. Multilingual site is possible or not, or whatever as every time you will get a different answer. 

Their customer service is the worst because they give you different information every time you make a request and they just piss away your needs but that part I found as interesting so, I started having fun. I have been able to talk to different people from their customer service, for the same question I was getting different answers. Even day after day because it becomes interesting to me sometimes I had the same question prepared and different answers as a daily routine!

For example;

I asked 5 times about developing multilingual websites during 3 months time and got 5 different answers:

  • The first one was; Impossible
  • The second; Give me an email, send me the code and wait two months and then it will come up.
  • The third; Switch to WordPress - What, how? Why? How much? Nothing more.
  • The Fourth; Instructions were given from their forum - where the description said it could be done, but in reality, it doesn't work. Guess what? They couldn't help then.
  • The Fifth; I mentioned this in live chat and they said I couldn't do it because the instructions were out of date or not in my plan. (surprise!) But the next login, log out and open chat was needed.

It took me a year to do it. OK, sometimes 

I tried to get various things done with their "help" But the final live chat/cancellation was the worst.

One morning when I tried to check my appointments were not working. So, I tried to solve just one more problem... The lady on the live chat said I had downgraded my site (WTF????) How? When? What? I haven't got any information about that cancellation.

The reason was...? - I guess that I accidentally clicked on the icon during my site editing. As I needed what I paid for! There was no way I could get my money back or cancel this cancellation following by their "help"! Thank you for showing me this in the Terms and Conditions. They asked me 3 times (!) to pay £79 again! For this! I have paid for it already and What happened there? There was no downgrade question, no email, nothing like a  "are you sure?". I have no idea about it as there was no message, warning etc. totally nothing! Customer service again worst ever. I quit GoDaddy and lost my money due to 6 unsolved issues in the first year of my journey with them.

6 unsolved issues in just a year with GoDaddy sites!
6 unsolved issues in just a year with GoDaddy sites!

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Best Small Business Ideas

Do you wish to have your own company but have no idea what you can do? Look at Best Small Business Ideas 😊 Use your unique skills and intuition which is following from your veins throughout the heart and may turn into your dreaming job!

Use your unique skills and intuition which is following from your veins throughout the heart and may turn into your dreaming job!

Best Small Business Ideas

1. Handyman

Are you always fixing things around the house? Often on-call when friends need small projects completed? Create a booking website with FuuZzi include a logo and business name which will take up to 3weeks and costs 150£, conduct a competitive analysis to determine what your time and expertise are worth, and turn to the friends you’ve helped before for referrals. Yes, That's simple!

2. Woodworker

Similarly, if you have a passion for crafting beautiful furniture or other home goods out of wood, that could be a small business niche for you. Get started by listing a few of your pieces on sites like Etsy, eBay, Amazon etc. Once you build a following, consider starting a website, accepting custom orders, or expanding to refinishing work and upholstery. Get 1 hours advice from FuuZzi will cost you only 60£ in that case

3. Online Dating Consultant

Dating consultants usually charge for their time. They help people create successful online dating profiles, source possible matches from outside the typical online channels and offer a level of personalization that a site like Tinder can’t. Think you’ve got a knack for the match? This might be the business for you.

People will always need clothing hemmed and buttons mended
People will always need clothing
hemmed and buttons mended
 and you could be the person to do it.
4. Sewing and Alteration Specialist

People will always need clothing hemmed and buttons mended — and you could be the person to do it. If you love sewing, start by offering simple services like those mentioned above and expand your repertoire to dressmaking and design as you build a customer base and demand. You can add some video tutorials as a marketing as well!

5. Freelance Developer

From building websites for other small businesses to providing technical support for certain projects, quality web development is in high demand right now. As a web developer, you’ll naturally have a technical skillset. Worth knowledge and expertise so customers who don’t have your experience can understand what it is you’ll be helping them achieve. Try to use "People per hour" websites or something similar.

To help with this, test your messaging as a "pitch speaks" on friends and family who don’t have a firm understanding of the work you do. If they’re able to summarize what you do, your message is likely effective among people outside of your industry.

6. Personal Trainer

Offer in-home consultations, personalized nutrition and exercise regimens, and community boot camps to get the word out. Don’t forget to populate an Instagram feed with inspirational quotes, free exercise videos, and yummy snack ideas as well — it’s a common way for fitness gurus to build their brands in our digital world. You may need some certificates and Insurance for sure which may be started from 10£ monthly! Ask FuuZzi about guidance in that case you can use 30min free session.

If you choose to go this route, it’s OK to start small at first, then scale up. For instance, a Personal training business can start in a shared gym, then grew into a private gym that offers group fitness, personal training, and nutrition services.

7. Freelance Graphic Designer

Set your own hours, choose your projects, and build a portfolio and business you’re proud of. From website design to blog graphics and more, many companies seek out experienced graphic designers for support on a variety of projects. If you’re just starting out with graphic design let's sort your startup a strategic and financial plan during a personal goals session with FuuZzi to find out what you have got and what else is needed use a free consultation then.

Be your own boss and set up new company
8. Life/ Career Coach

If you have experience navigating career, personal, and social transitions successfully, put it to good use as a life or career coach. Many of us are looking for guidance in our careers — and finding someone with the time to mentor us can be tough.

Life/ career coaches don’t come cheap, but they can offer clients the intense and hands-on training and advice they need to make serious moves in their personal and professional lives. After all, everyone needs some uplifting advice from time to time. Remember to put your service details in Agreement before you start, as some people are still confused about the differences between therapy and life coaching.

9. Resume Writer

Creating a resume, cover letter, and — when necessary — portfolio for a new job can be tough and time-consuming. That’s why many people hire help. Assist clients with tailored resumes, beautifully edited cover letters, and carefully-crafted portfolios that make it impossible for employers to ignore. Many actually do it via platforms that are worldwide. They describe their service and getting paid remotely for that job. Are you good at it? So, starts with the service description first.

10. Freelance Writer

If you have writing skills, there’s someone out there willing to pay you for them. Write blog posts, magazine articles, re-editing, and website copy galore - just make sure you have a body of work built up to share with potential clients. Even if you create a few sample pieces to have on hand, they’ll help exhibit your work and attract new business.

Ideas are important, lack of ideas? here we come!
11. Translator

Speak a foreign language? Start translation service. Consider specializing in a specific genre of translation, like medical or financial translation, as you might be able to fill a niche need in your community.

12. Garden Designer

Many people have the willingness to do the dirty work in their backyards, but few have the know-how to complete the first part of this process - designing and planning the backyard space. Draw up the designs for your clients’ outdoor spaces and let them do the actual digging. Show up your skills via Instagram and set up a booking page with FuuZzi to help to start across posting by making people able to see and book.

13. E-commerce Store Owner

Do you create, collect, or curate anything special? Consider starting an e-commerce store and turning your hobby into a full-time job. Whether you need somewhere to sell all that pottery you’ve been making, or an excuse to search for the sports memorabilia you love tracking down, an e-commerce store can make it financially viable for you to pursue your passion.

14. Landscaper

Mowing, tree-trimming, and seasonal décor are all neighbourhood needs. If you have or can acquire the equipment, a landscaping business can be a lucrative affair.

15. Videographer

Video production requires you to have invested in the equipment upfront which can be quite expensive. But that’s also what makes your services so valuable. Make sure you have a reel of your work to share or create a website with several selections of your work available for interested viewers. Don't forget about your portfolio!

16. photographer

Start by doing photo shoots for family and friends. As you build a body of work, ask for testimonials and reviews on the trust pilot, Instagram and other sites. Photography businesses often grow through word of mouth, don't forget about watermarks and so create a Facebook page where you can tag recent clients. 

17. Travel Planner

The time of the travel agent may be passing, but people are still looking for those with a knack for more non-traditional travel experiences. If you always plan the perfect holiday complete with beautiful hotels, the perfect location, and plenty of delicious restaurants lined up for each evening, you should consider advertising your services as a more modern approach to travel planning.

There are so many different ways to become an independent business owner let see how
18. Car-detailing Specialist

The devil is in the detail and you can be too. Car-detailing services that travel to the customer are convenient for busy people who can't find time to run through a car wash. In this business, customers only have to pay and the service will be done for them before they know it. Just make sure you have the flexibility, transportation and equipment to take your business on the road.

19. Home inspector

Working as a home inspector requires certification and a lot of knowledge, but can offer a flexible work schedule and a stable income. Confirm the licensing requirements in your state before starting this type of small business. You'll want to make sure you're providing the best service to your clients by having all your credentials in order. To know where to find needed certificates simply call career advice or business support free lane.

20. House Cleaner

With a low barrier to entry, house cleaning can be a great way to start doing what you love - soon. Consider advertising to houses in your area and get more bang for your buck by earning some small businesses as clients as well. They will usually bring in a higher paycheck for a similar amount of work. Check to see what we did for one of them including advertising and full start-up in just 3 weeks.
Keep it real - lets find what qualifications are needed before you start your new business

21. Personal chef

We all love to eat, but few of us have the time or energy to cook healthy, delicious meals especially when special occasions coming up and more food is needed. Advertise your services to local families and businesses. To save on initial costs, consider scheduling certain groups of customers together - for example, vegetarians - so you can cook larger quantities of the same dish.

22. property manager

Many people maintain properties they don't live in - often in different cities or states. As a property manager, you can help a property owner ensure that their home is well taken care of, handle small fixes as they arise, and serve as a liaison with tenants.

23. Packing Services Organizer

Moving is always a pain, and many people hire out the entire packing process themselves. Partnering with local moving services that will refer new customers to you could be a great idea to start.

24. Massage Therapist

Soothe sore muscles and promote peace of mind for your clients as a massage therapist when you know that skills are close to your heart. Check out training and certification courses via career advice or ask FuuZzi for help and state and invest in a portable bed to take on client visits. Everyone needs to relax sometimes.
Not working too hard is good when you work smarter
25. Craftsman

Whether you make jewellery, knitwear or even bespoke wigs, there is probably a market for your products. Use creative social media marketing and optimise your website for the unique products you create. Makes some pictures and videos to start!

26. Bed and Breakfast Owner

This is another business venture that will require you to research proper licensing with the state, but it will be well worth it to see your dreams come true. Consider what guests will travel to your area and create special packages and themed stays that coincide with their interests in the place. Lots of websites are available to do promote your business when you are ready to do that.

27. Interior designer

Similar to landscape design - many people can buy the furniture and home décor they need to fill their rooms, but few know where to start to have a great effect. It can take time to build a portfolio, but documenting your designs and sharing them online can build a fanbase beyond your wildest dreams. Check what insurance is needed and build your business with google.

28. Owner of a non-profit organisation

If you dream of dedicating your life to a cause you believe in, it might be time to start a non-profit organisation. You'll have to register your business and apply for tax exemption - and then you'll have to meet ongoing compliance standards, but the payoff is making a meaningful impact on a cause you believe in.

29. Travel Guide

Love the local or international history of cities or states? Consider becoming a tour guide. Sure, you'll have to do a lot of research to do your job well, but that's half the fun when it's something you are passionate about. Set yourself apart by offering tours that talk about a specific niche of your community's history.

30. Tutoring

Whether you're a math genius, piano master or Shakespeare aficionado, there's bound to be someone who needs help in your field and is willing to pay for it. Advertise your services in local schools, colleges, community centres and even on social media to get the word out and build your customer base. 
Grow your small business with FuuZzi company

31. Consultant

If you have a lot of experience or knowledge about any subject, consider becoming a consultant. Perhaps you're an expert in recruitment practices, have a knack for SEO or have led multiple sales teams to six-figure success. Identify your expertise and advertise yourself as a consultant and charge a starting rate from those who have a lack of time and knowledge.

32. Clothing Boutique Owner

If you dream of building your own fashion empire, why not start with a local boutique? Build buzz with impressive window displays, inspiring social media accounts, and heavy community engagement. Start from something simple like a Hight street space to rent to start.

33. Event Planner

You can choose to specialise in a specific type of event - like weddings or corporate meetings - or set yourself up as an all-industry event planner. If you're highly organised, detail-oriented and have experience planning large events, it may be time for others to benefit from your skills.

34. Specialty food shop owner

Gourmet food, cheese, sake, wine - you name it, there's a speciality food shop for it. Use your passion for exotic olive oils and open a shop like American Provisions, where you'll offer the expertise and selection your customers couldn't dream of at their local grocery shop. Follow your heart!

35. Personal assistant

Again, if you are an organized, highly detail-oriented person, the life of a personal assistant may be for you. Consider becoming a virtual assistant, which allows you to work remotely.

36. Food Truck Owner

Try out your restaurant concepts with a food truck. It's a great way to get familiar with the food and restaurant licensing in your state, see what people like and don't like, and build a ravenous following before you ever open or invest in brick-and-mortar real estate. Taco Nanas, a taco truck in Memphis, TN, started with one food truck and grew to three, building a loyal customer base along the way.

37. Consignment shop owner

If you have an eye for style but don't want to invest in the inventory of a brand new boutique, consider consignment. This will allow you to create a collection of clothing that fits your goals and aesthetic, without the overhead of a boutique selling brand new clothes.

Turn you passion into business - no passion? Let's us helping out
38. Catering

If that personal chef gig is too restrictive for your schedule, consider catering instead.

39. Gym owner

Kickboxing gyms, yoga studios, CrossFit, oh my! Turn your passion for fitness into a community for others by creating your own gym - start from scratch, become a partner or open a franchise location. Some warehouse gyms are cheap and easy to rent a space so, let's go!

40. Nursery owner

Childcare continues to be in high demand. While nannies and nanny shares are popular now, good daycare is hard to find. Fill a need in your area by opening your own. And, as always, make sure you are in compliance with city and state zoning, licensing, insurance and inspection requirements.

41. Boutique Agency Owner

What is your speciality? Whether it's marketing, social media, or PR, it may be time to start your own agency. Many other small businesses need this type of help but don't have the resources or volume to require a full-time position.
Consider building a small team and learn from other entrepreneurs who have successfully started their own agencies, like Duane Brown of Take Some Risk.
Turn your caffeine addiction into something more lucrative.

42. Coffee shop owner

Turn your caffeine addiction into something more lucrative. Opening a franchise or buying an existing shop are less risky entries into the coffee game there are so many franchises happy to do work with you!

Turn your passion into a business with FuuZzi company! Book free session now

Your first website

Building a website for your home-based business

It is possible to make money online by running your business from home but, only when you can be visible online. To do this, you need to have a website. Most people which are starting a home-based business will try to build their own, that is fine if you know what you are doing but can reflect very badly if you don't. Home-based business websites, need to be professional looking, connected with social media and able to do across posting as you are the only one who manages all of it. 

Your logo, simple website and company name can be done in 3 weeks with FuuZzi.
Your logo, simple website
and company name can be done in 3 weeks with FuuZzi.

Some work from home opportunities include a website when you sign up but you can also:

1) Pay someone to build your website for you and think carefully about which domain would you like to buy in the meantime. Look around you, websites can be bought for cheap these days.

2) Use a free template or pay for a template. Web designers work from home too and are happy to work for low fees to get their own home business off the ground.

Make sure your website is consistent.

Your customers will want to see a consistent website layout. They don't need to know that you work from home, so a professional, well laid out easy to navigate website is a must. Most users will be impressed with your site within seconds. The difference between a good looking site and a bad looking site is potentially lost sales. 

Take payments

Use a third-party product such as PayPal, Stripe and so on, which is particularly good for selling several products and is highly regarded. Payment processors like PayPal take care of data protection and let you get on with promoting your business online, can be installed as a plugin or via a shareable link.

Third-party software

For a small investment, you can buy a complete shopping cart or, if you have a limited budget, you can use an open-source e-commerce product. Either way, if your home business sells multiple products, why try to reinvent the wheel!

Search Engine Submission and Ranking are the two basic parts of cheap website promotion
Search Engine Submission and Ranking
are the two basic parts of cheap website promotion
Search Engine Submission and Ranking are the two basic parts of cheap website promotion. Both parts have the same effect on the website market - your products and services presented on the website attract people's attention. The first inexpensive method to promote a website is search engine submission. This first part is the act of submitting information and submitting your website to search engines. There are two types of search engine submissions - manual and automatic. For low cost and effective site promotion, automatic submission is ideal because once the information is filled in, a computer program will submit that information to other search engines. The second way to save money is through website ranking.  This refers to the numerical position in which your website appears in a search engine, based on the criteria of the website. Some search engines determine the order in which search results appear, mainly based on how many other websites link to each page. Leading pages in this order eventually fulfil cheap website promotion.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Be prepared before you leave your job

The 5 most important things before starting a home business

Don't quit your day job just yet. If you want to start a home business, there are the 5 most important things you need to do first. Leaving job security with established, health insurance and other benefits will make you feel insecure and you will be unable to stay focused on your progress, so for those who want to pursue their dreams of owning their own business: be prepared!

1. Analyse your exit strategy

Analysing and preparing your exit strategy will be crucial to your long-term success as a home business owner.  Do you have adequate savings?  If you are married, will you be able to participate in your spouse's health insurance? What is your marketing plan? Do you have customers?

Creating a solid plan so you and your family know exactly what the financial picture will be
 Creating a solid plan so you and your family
know exactly what the financial picture will be.

2. Create a Financial Plan or check your current one.

How much salary do you have now and how much do you need? What are your fixed expenses, variable expenses?  Creating a solid plan so you and your family know exactly what the financial picture will be by the time your business gets off the ground and starts generating income. In FuuZzi's services, this is called personal goals or budgeting. This is the time when we will write down all your income and expenses to make them more visible.

3. Choosing a business model.

There are several business models to choose from; home party plans, consulting and affiliate marketing to name a few.  You need to make a decision based on your personality and what you are best suited for. If you are unsure, jump into 1-2-1 support with us as Choosing a legal entity for your business should be discussed with a tax accountant or attorney.

4. Set your business benchmarks.

You wouldn't travel across the country without a road map, your business is the same. Establishing financial and business benchmarks will help you create a focused plan to help you succeed.

5. Have a medical check-up.

What does a medical check-up have to do with your business?  When you leave your job, your health insurance will most likely change and as unfair as it may be, trying to get new health insurance in your 40s, 50s or 60s can be difficult.  While pursuing your dream of a home-based business is something you're probably very passionate about, if you don't have good health to enjoy the rewards of your efforts, not much else matters. 

Before owning a company set up your strategy
Before owning a company set up your strategy

We know there is more meaning in life than commuting to a thankless 9-5 job, but there are important steps we need to take first.  Planning and preparing for your home business now will lead to fewer headache's later.

How does it feel to be in pain...for years.

I suffer from the madness of others and my own body too.

Suffer from the madness of others and still, be a good person, - that's the value!
Suffer from the madness of others.
and still, be a good person, - that's the value!

In the past I was affected by Atopic Skin ALLERGY MORE OFTEN THAN NOW. then the body was very fickle, it likes to panic and I have to watch out for it. On what I eat, what I wear, what I touch, what I wash my clothes in and where and with whom I spend time. It is all about allergies. No, I don't have the usual allergies that most people have, such that I eat a peanut and suffocate (I'm not belittling - it's a very dangerous allergy), but I do have some that appear suddenly or have always been there, only now, at one point, they appear with such intensity as if they wanted to kill me. Such allergies include, for example, a sudden allergy to soap, cleaning products or cosmetics. In 3 minutes without warning and even when I have already used a super extra hypoallergenic cosmetic several times. (It's funny that someone can still ask this question - did I really buy for allergy sufferers? ) My face can swell up like a balloon, my eyes can fill up with pus and the locals neigh boroughhood can have a panic attack just in a few minutes. The other interesting allergy is kiwi allergy - but it's not like I've always had it and it's weird... Oh no, I've had it for 2 months and every time I eat a kiwi I throw up. Just like that... Just like that, for a few hours, not being able to catch my breath, clogging my nose until it hurts, swelling in my sinuses, tears in my eyes...🥝 And what strange reactions do you guys have? The interesting thing is that the allergies mixed when I was pregnant and stayed with me for 7 long years, where I couldn't live like normal people and ended up in the hospital several times a month.... for seven years, I'm glad I'm still alive! You have no idea how much I appreciate life after the sometimes drastic experience of having an autoimmune disease. Some don't believe I will. 
2 tablets to get up without pain, 3 other for breakfast, 1 for dinner, 2 in the middle of the night
2 tablets to get up without pain, 3 other
for breakfast, 1 for dinner, 2 in the middle of the night.
I have had allergies since birth and they are sometimes a bigger and sometimes a smaller part of my life. I've been allergic to something ever since I was born, and it's not always been possible to do anything about it. When I was a baby my allergy was resolved with a diet of rice and carrots, to which, as it later turned out, I was also allergic. As well as other strange things, such as chicken - chicken or, as I now know, penicillin, which they give them so that they are healthy and don't get sick, they stuff them with it as a preventative measure. I used to think I had it for milk too, but cow penicillin is also given in bulk, so you can't really tell if it's the product or the processing. Processing these days is a serious problem. And more and more of it is being done. There are studies that show how much sugar and chemicals are now in every food. Even foods that shouldn't have any at all. E.g. sugar in bread, or flour in ham. It is interesting to note that I was not allergic to gluten until 10 years ago. Now, my stomach swells, I want to sleep, my whole body swells or only my eyes and pus flows from them. Because gluten is a genetically modified part of the food.

Thanks to this, it is sold better, less is added and more money are made. If you want to believe it or, you don't want to believe it that's your choice. Usually, it's the allergy sufferer who knows best what makes him allergic, right?

Well, not always, because I can be allergic to something all of a sudden, as I mentioned above. Disappearing allergies is also fun, and it's my favourite ;). Apart from the fact that I lived in a time when, in primary school, I used to fall asleep in the corridor as so popular Zyrtec tablets which I was taking to suffer from allergy reactions made me feel sleepy that bad as it was out of control. If you have ever used it, you know that it causes such a relaxation of the body that you don't fall asleep but rather drift off, and my headmistress was able to call my mother because of this and, to the joy of other children, call me a junkie. So I had, according to most people who saw me with skin damaged by allergies, "heroin injection holes", which was another reason to hate primary school and undereducated peers, as well as their parents and older colleagues. Kids are kids, but parents? Well, at the age of 16 I, fortunately, got rid of my allergies, according to my doctor hormones helped in this process, and according to the fuckers I just quit doing drugs. 

Funny how I can be not allergic to something today
 and become tomorrow,
 genetic modification of food makes life more interesting.

Have you ever experienced unequal treatment from other people for reasons beyond your control, such as a disease you were born with? If so, you know how terrible it is, especially for a child who may not understand what is happening to them, or who understands but cannot communicate it to others. Children can be terrible, adults are terrible too sometimes. To them, karma comes back, but to us? It teaches a lot, like empathy and understanding for others.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Before you will work from home take a look on it.

 Before you work from home, what should you consider?

Your children may not be able to see the difference between work time and playtime and you will need to remind them of this repeatedly, at least initially.
Your children may not be able to see the difference
 between work time and playtime and you will need to stay calm
and remind them of this repeatedly, at least initially. 

If you are looking for an opportunity to start a home-based business chances are you have done a lot of research for this venture are high. Otherwise, you simply still feel lost among so many opportunities to start a home-based business and it's normal. Starting a home business or working remotely can be very profitable in many ways. Many people think that they have thought of everything that goes into a home-based company, and only to find out that they have forgotten some very important aspects. Below are a few things that you may have forgotten or need to be reminded of that you will definitely need to take into consideration before you start.

1. Distractions and communication skills

Working from home is very different from working in an office.  Many people forget that working from home involves a lot of distractions. This is probably something that some people who work from home during the last lockdown (2019) have already noticed. When you're running your business from home, you're going to have to contend with distractions like TV and radio, neighbours who goof off or, doing a party or arguing and if you have thin walls, of course, their TV and radio will distract you too. The postman knocking on your door and the neighbour want to drop in for coffee right now. The lost pizza delivery guy who got the address wrong, etc. You will also need to be able to deal with other family members who will be at home with you.  Your children may not be able to see the difference between work time and playtime and you will need to remind them of this repeatedly, at least initially.  This presents a lot of problems for home-based business owners, so FuuZzi company focuses on helping you manage your time and responsibilities at home to help you schedule work at home and improve communication skills so you know how to explain to your kids that you're at home, but you're actually at work.

2. Time management

Without that kind of supervision, many people end up floundering.
Without that kind of supervision,
many people end up floundering.

If you are running a home business, you need to have a lot of self-discipline. That's why we can do prepare your rota during a time management and budgeting advice session. You will be your own, sole boss, which means there will be no one looking over your shoulder and telling you what to do.  Without that kind of supervision, many people end up floundering. If you want to run a successful home business, you need to be able to stay on track day after day followed by your own rota and tasks prepared.

Budgeting and time management are important when you do work from home
3. Budgeting

When you run a home business, you are responsible for all of your inventory, savings, and spending analysis for business purposes and personal needs.  Many people forget to budget for this purpose.  Remember, if your computer breaks down, it is your responsibility to fix it. Marketing will also require some investment. When you work for someone, you already know that you have an IT team to turn to for help.  You'll also be responsible for buying your own supplies when you need them. That's why FuuZzi keeps you on track by analysing your home budget for savings and preparing your financial plan for your business needs. 

4. Responsibilities of business, personal and family needs.

 As a home business owner, you are in charge of every aspect of your business. This means that you will not only have to sell and keep your business growing but also you are the only one responsible for organizing time for all activities, rest, homework and time spent with family. 

By having your own spreadsheet and daily schedule, you can greatly improve productivity and reduce stress.
By having your own spreadsheet and daily schedule,
which Fuuzzi can help you to do prepare
you can greatly improve productivity and reduce stress.

5. Work from home with your own personalized rota.

One of the attractions of working from home is the vision of freedom it evokes - no time clock, no schedules, and no one to account for how you spend your time. Yes, it is an attractive proposition, but use it well, because, like many other attractive propositions, it has a big downside - you will probably waste a lot of time if you will avoid preparation of your own plan for a schedule for all the business tasks, house horses and personal goals.

The development of your home business may take longer than usual. But remember, there is never a perfect time in life - you just live the time you have. These are just some of the issues that should be addressed when they arise. You can discover several reasons for adopting the schedule which we can help you to do prepare.

FuuZzi company helps with all business start-up needs
FuuZzi company helps with all business start-up needs.

A few reasons why you may need a home schedule.

1. When you work from home it is too easy to waste time on non-priority tasks because there are so many little things to do.

2. Too easy to get lost or distracted from the current task.

3. Unplanned working hours can often overlap with your free time until you have no time at all.

4. Your free time may overlap with your work time until you are left behind with important projects.

5. More can be done by focusing your time and effort on the highest priority projects.

I'm not the only homeworker who has a schedule. If you are having difficulty setting a schedule and priorities for the day and week, maybe we can help you set a schedule.

Depression turned my passion on!

My Passion and hobbies turned into a business.

I became fascinated with psychology at the age of 16. When I fell into a severe depression and decided to treat it myself, by gaining more KNOWLEDGE! from books, psychology guidance books and pieces of training available! I didn't take any pills I just decided to approach the problem from a different angle. Because why should I go to a psychologist who has read books that I can read too, and let her judge me? Why should I give myself a list of chemicals to put in my body as  "HapPy pills" when they have such a long list of side effects?
When I fell into a severe depression I decided to treat it myself, by gaining more KNOWLEDGE!
When I fell into a severe depression I decided to treat it myself,
by gaining more KNOWLEDGE! 

This of course stayed with me, not the depression, but the knowledge. As you can probably guess, I didn't stop at exploring the human psyche in the context of said depression, but I went further.... much further and that's how my story began nearly 20 years ago...

I was fascinated by how much you can see under the mask and infer from apparent behaviours. I was so consumed by it that I went to a comprehensive high school where the main subjects were psychology and sociology. I delved into those subjects and continued to delve into them after school because it fascinated me. We also had internships with preschool, school, special education, therapists, etc. Even after college, I devoured books on human psychology, interpersonal relationships, and more whenever I had time to relax.

I have talked to many experienced psychologists and therapists about their approach to the profession, the subject and the diagnosis.

And it gives me a lot of understanding for a person who is affected by something like disparities, diagnoses, depressions, disorders, anxiety, panic attacks, childhood issues. I did not know that this can cast a shadow over our entire life, any situation in life or the behaviour of parents affecting our adult subconscious and which, if we do not work on ourselves and do not decide to find what hinders us to achieve happiness deep inside us, in our past experiences, it will hinder us and not allow a step forward in resolutions, relationships and achieving their goals.

I have talked to many experienced psychologists and therapists about their approach to the profession, the subject and the diagnosis.

And it gives me a lot of understanding for a person who is affected by something like disparities, diagnoses, depressions, disorders, anxiety, panic attacks, childhood issues. I did not know that this can cast a shadow over our entire life, any situation in life or the behaviour of parents affecting our adult subconscious and which, if we do not work on ourselves and do not decide to find what hinders us to achieve happiness deep inside us, in our past experiences, it will hinder us and not allow a step forward in resolutions, relationships and achieving their goals.

Knowledge gives you a strength, as well as peace of mind and understanding.
Knowledge gives you strength,
as well as peace of mind and understanding.

Knowledge gives strength, as well as peace of mind and understanding for the other person and ourselves, so I devote time to it throughout my life. That's why I also took up life and business coaching as the main subject to work. That's why I run these programs, these webinars, and I love what I do. This passion was born out of my problem over 20 years ago, and now it has turned into something beautiful.

People are wonderful when you look inside them with all of their dreams and wishes to become true and wonderful natural skills which makes them able to do set up independent income if they would like to and the fact that they have problems is nothing more than another problem to solve, which I am helping them with.

4 easy ways to start your new business

mother of 4 who stays at home to take care of them and the house will start a business differently than a father of 4 who is busy working full time.
Mother of 4 who stays at home
to take care of them and the house
will start a business differently than,
a father of 4 who is busy working full time.

4 ways to start your new business 

There are 4 ways to start a new business, it all depends on you, your current situation and needs, idea, skills, availability etc.

Why 4?

Because a mother of 4 who stays at home to take care of them and the house will start a business differently than a father of 4 who is busy working full time.

#1. NEA - New Enterprise Allowance - 52 weeks support

Available to job seekers, people who have lost their jobs and anyone receiving certain benefits. 52 weeks of support during monthly or weekly group calls where you can get the guidance, learn more information, and get good contacts to start your business. They are also available during 1-2-1 sessions via e-mail and over the phone. Initially, they will review your business plan before you can attend. So be prepared to provide a business idea, a name, preferably a logo, and decide whether it will be a limited company or sole trader (I can direct you to the right places to see the differences between the two). 

Oh + £1200 which is not counted as income and is not refundable, plus you can take out a loan and get some guidance regarding it from them.

I visited business networking a bit like carollers,

house-to-house or homeless people

#2.Hire a business advisor

Hire a business advisor, most of them have 3 free sessions where you can get any support from a business idea, business plan, marketing research etc. They are knowledgeable in every topic related to business basically. It is also a good way to start a business with good strategy, professional support and stress-free

#3 Business Networking

Take part in business networking. This is also popular for those who are eager to make new business contacts, share their product or service. You will be able to know the market a little better than before and give your business a bright start. But be careful here; you need to have your business name and basic information ready to show up because they will ask what you do, what your services are, etc. Let me know if you need help because this is what I do. To see some samples of Business Networking's go HERE and read about my personal experience. There are lots of them! 

#4 - quick and easy

Short Plan - This is the best quick and possible for busy moms with a passion or hobby. You can participate on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube or any other website where you can, for example, showcase your hobby business idea; hobbies, crafts, services, etc. don't have time to set up a professional website? No worries, just store on Instagram or Etsy and let me know if you need any help as it will automatically appear on your Facebook page, which is also not difficult. It doesn't require much attention. And the best part is that you don't have to register your business until you reach 1,000 pounds, which means you can try it and be mistake-free or set aside time until your little one is older (fanfare).

So, there are many different ways to do this, which 4 are the most important in my opinion let me know which one would you prefer to use!

Bongee - "If stress can kill you, then I will." he said

A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I lived believing that even though my pseudo-relationship was falling apart, I could manag...