Showing posts with label Experiences. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Experiences. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Bongee - "If stress can kill you, then I will." he said

A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I lived believing that even though my pseudo-relationship was falling apart, I could manage. But I didn't. Like many of you, I believed that all I had to do was try, but one day... I got tired. I didn't even want to argue anymore about the fact that he would like to go on a 3-week holiday without me and visiting Poland, Italy, and France "He already said that is not my business." anyway. I didn't want to argue about the fact that he was going to visit a "friend" first for two days first, or as he later put it "his unhappy love". I didn't even want to scream anymore out of grief about losing the job and that I liked, the third job I wanted to keep. In 2014 he left me with £30 a week. I lost my job... my son was only 3 years old and there was no one to leave him with. I had a very nice job, in a cafe on a platform in a town that was not far away. I used to go there by bus. Before that I tried to work in a hotel cleaning unfortunately it didn't work out because when I came home a drunk guy wouldn't wake up himself to look after a baby crying who was hungry and with a dirty nappy when I came home from work. One day it scared me so much that I quit my job at the hotel. But you know, "He was having a day off work" and it was my fault for not coming back in time to feed my son, there was no cooperation and all. Even though he knew what time I finished work. I also tried cleaning for 2 hours every morning to work less than 30 hours, at a restaurant nearby. But that didn't work either. My boyfriend didn't get up in the morning to take care of the baby, nor did he get up at night to take care of the baby. And I, exhausted by the wake-up calls, had to take a shower after taking painkillers and lubricate my whole body with steroid medication. Feed, change the nappy... And leave at 7am. I very rarely managed to get to work on time. Anyway, on that fateful day when I went to the hospital for the first time, not of my own free will, my son then had a fever of 40 degrees, I had a fever too. And we had to go and top up the electricity at the post office because it had run out. Some grandmother at the post office saw that I was wobbling on my feet, barely standing. And she called an ambulance even though I didn't want to. And so began the treatment of my skin, which was in a tragic state and made it much harder for me to function. I stayed for half a day under a drip in the hospital but they had nothing to do with the baby so they sent me home. They even looked around the hospital for someone to take care of my son so that I could stay. But fortunately, my ex-boyfriend was on holiday, my brother was still at work and my phone died soon. I probably wouldn't have found anyone to stay with the baby while I was in hospital anyway. After this situation, I called the ambulance home a few more times because I also had heart problems. If I had someone who could stay with my son for more than the 5 hours he was at the nanny's, twice a week and then at nursery school. Then maybe I would have found a job and not earned myself thousands of pounds... What I did do soon after? I had enough and I was so tired of trying to exist with my skin infection, eczema, drunk guy, no opportunities to take a job, and a lack of food at home. Also, his screaming at me wasn't been helpful. What's more, I promised my son he will not live like that as he was scared of his Father's voice and soon after every Males voice too. And I didn't believe in that situation can be even worst for me and I was right. I was taking all solutions already including AA and living like a no-couple just for a child as well, nothing was working and I was so, so tired of the situation I had. Can you relate to it? So you are in a good place to take a hand and go to and call me / book now and run away. I wish to have had a person like me know in the past to get some help as it took me 3 months to get the skills and knowledge to move on and make an escape. I ran away from that town to rescue and found a job after 3 months in another town. As a single mother, I was able to have food from the church and child allowances that I didn't have before. And a friend from college who I met here would stay with my son or take him to school so I could work. I continued the schooling I had started in the previous town to learn English and to be able to get a better job than I DON'T LOSE IT, I'm glad I had the opportunity to live it, at least I had the chance to learn a lot and I got to know all these institutions that help in uk, most of them are free and there are some cheap ones. I now know how not to end up on the streets, how to report to a hostel where I myself was for two years in a new city. How to look for a job, get benefits and not get down on yourself when you have £30 a week and a child. Now I'm helping others, I'm happy to help them and I say boldly that what may seem scary at the beginning is not so scary at the end. You will cope and I believe in you, and with my help, you certainly will.

Friday, December 2, 2022

I have got 2 options, how about you?

 I have two options... Either I will be pissed or happy 😉 .

I guess it wasn't always like that, because I remember when I was little I cried a lot. So I must have felt sad too, although those memories are kind of blurry. And as soon as I start digging into them e.g. during meditation I just start "roaring" and crying... For several days.... for no reason. (I guess that's why during meditation sometimes you need a human guide.) There is nothing more there than a little childish grief and sadness that pours out and has no end. I don't know what I'm looking for myself. Maybe it's meant to be this way.

I am 35 years old and today My life is ruled by two emotions, being furious and joyful. Both are uncontrolled, impetuous, and intertwined with each other. Interestingly, I can go from annoyance to laughter and vice versa very quickly. I don't know why or what has crowded out my other emotions. I do not
feel all emotions or not feel them such as long as those two. is anyone there who has the same?

As I do interested in the science of neuropsychology and psychology I do attach below some pieces of information about emotions and how they should be working.

One of the most common reasons that someone pursues therapy is to better understand and handle their emotions. A lot of adults are surprised by the revelation that, while they know their emotions on an intellectual level (i.e. they can name several emotions), they often struggle to identify their own emotions at the moment and know what to do with that information. Many of us can tend to overgeneralize that we feel “good” or “bad” and not get much more specific than that. The issue is, our emotions provide us A LOT of awesome, useful information about what is going on in our lives and we miss out on that when we do not label our emotions correctly. We stay “stuck” in emotions when we have not learned this information! If you identify as someone who doesn’t know their own emotional experience well, starting with the basics is the best way to begin the learning process. We have 5 basic emotions- they vary in intensity and in their subcategories there can be a wide range of other emotional descriptors (i.e. Anger can range from irritation to rage). In time, the more specific we can be about our emotions, typically the better. But we can ALWAYS revert to the 5 basic emotions if we are confused about our experience.

5 Emotions is something that we HAVE TO explain to our kids when they are not able to handle any of this yet. I did explain as I was learning everything about that during my high school education time. As I was learning to become a social worker or child psychologist. But only for 4 years as I was going to the UK soon after I finished school ( I needed money).
5 Emotions are something that we HAVE TO explain
to our kids when they are not able to handle any of this yet.

5 Emotions are something that we HAVE TO explain to our kids when they are not able to handle any of this yet. I did explain as I was learning everything about that during my high school education time. As I was learning to become a social worker or child psychologist. But only for 4 years as I was going to the UK soon after I finished school ( I needed money).

Anyway, at my home was only " Leave me alone" or " Shut up." time to explain doesn't exist. Following the standard emotional state our emotions are:
1) ANGER- Anger is your #1 signal that a boundary of yours has been violated! Something is happening in your life that you do not like and do not condone. Anger is a very protective emotion and is attempting to keep you safe. It is also a very activating emotion and may feel very physical in your body. You can harness that energy by putting it towards action in the form of setting or re-establishing your boundary for your own protection and self-respect.

Lets talk about your and your company needs during our meeting to sort it out.
Sometimes, all you need to do is take an action.
Let's talk about your and your company's needs during our meeting to sort it out.

2) SADNESS- While all our emotions connect us to others, sadness is particularly good at providing us connection, comfort, and assistance from others- BUT ONLY IF WE ALLOW IT TO BE SHARED. Sadness often attempts to help us recognize a loss, and think about what we want in life and is overall a very cathartic emotion for processing grief and loss. Sadness is a very self-validating emotion as well- when we have lost something important, it absolutely makes sense that we are sad- to deny that reality adds salt to a wound.
 3) GUILT- Guilt is an awesome emotion to recognize and use when it is justified. Unfortunately, a lot of us struggle with unjustified guilt. We must first assess that question: Do I deserve to feel guilty for something I have done? For example, if we feel guilty for setting a boundary with a loved one in a compassionate and fair way, that very well may be an example of unjustified guilt. If we feel guilty for ditching a friend at the last minute for other plans that sounded more enticing, that is likely important and justified guilt to feel. Guilt helps us “stay in the tribe”- feeling justified guilt helps us behave with others in a way that keeps us a part of important relationships and groups. Guilt also comes up for us when we have acted outside of our VALUES system- it is signaling to us that we need to get back on track with our values, which is critical to overall happiness! Going back to the example of ditching a friend, that guilt may be activated because one of your values is to be responsible or considerate. Guilt is urging you to take responsibility for your friend and to be more considerate of others in the future.
4) FEAR- Fear is an evolutionary emotion designed to also keep us safe. Similar to guilt, we have to check whether our fear is justified or unjustified (ie. Is there an actual danger we are facing). Justified fear can be signaling to us to slow down, better assess and plan a situation out, get out of danger’s way, or ask for help or comfort from others.
5) JOY- Joy is our last basic emotion! As some of you may have noticed, it is the only “positive” emotion on this list… but I challenge you to remember that all our emotions are GOOD! Joy tells us that we like our life the way it is at that moment and signals to us things, people, and aspects of ourselves that we appreciate. We may notice what is meaningful to us, aspects that we want to increase in our life, and/or what we want to work consciously to keep around! Joy is a respite emotion that helps us recharge for the inevitable challenges in life. We often don’t notice when we are joyful- we tend to notice when life is hard, and then go on “autopilot” when things are going well. Working to notice and reap the information associated with joy is so important!

Same situation, with different emotions. You can be excited, and others can be scared or upset.
Same situation, with different emotions.
You can be excited, and others can be scared or upset.

I hope this brief overview has been helpful and provided a window into how all our emotions can be good and helpful, even if they are uncomfortable or when you do not feel all of them ;). If you are interested to work more on your emotional recognition, I do recommend pursuing therapy to personalize this information to yourself and make it even more useful! Or alternatively, set up your goals and start making practical solutions alive with me as it is something that I am really good at. Book now

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Let's compare flexible jobs available during the lock down 👇


While some of us tried to save money during the Lockdown, others gained money through the most popular companies at the time and even afterwards. So today I'd like to compare these three food delivery companies because I enjoyed watching the whole process from different perspectives. Even as a passenger.

If anyone knows me, they know that when I hear the phrase "flexible working", I high-five the person who is taking a part in it. 


Just eat, Uber eats and Deliveroo is all flexible, easy to get into and require nothing more than being organised and focusing on the directions we can take when delivering food. It's the best thing you can do if you're lucky enough to have self-esteem, time management skills and the ability to work independently. Plus a driving licence of course! I am happy to say that it is also the perfect job for introverts as you don't have to talk to anyone if you don't want to.

Choosing between these three companies can be difficult, so I can briefly describe what you need in each to make your life easier - because that's my job, to make people's lives easier :)

What the registration process looks like at Just Eat, Uber and Deliveroo?

You apply online, and then you know if you will take part in the whole process. Because some areas are overloaded with current drivers, sometimes you have to wait while they free up space for you. 

Online application form:
  • The UK driving licence for just eat and Deliveroo.
  • The UK or European driving licence for Uber eats. 
  • You will need to confirm your right to work and UK address by:
  • Utility bills
  • Bank statement
  • Proof of address
  • Identity document with photo
  • Share code from settlement status is ok for "Just Eat" only.
The DBS check which you have to pass is free for Just Eat and Deliveroo. With Uber...hmmm... they say it's free but the lady at the post office says the cost of identity verification is £6. We tried to find out more about this but never received an answer.
Insurance is needed for any of that3 which is: Delivering Food for Rent and Rewards Insurance I cant do recommend which one you need to choose, but you can find 3 options: Monthly payments, annual payments or pay as you go - which is automatically linked to your application and a minimum £25 prepayment is required.

If your DBS check is not older than 90 days you can just submit it, if not, the registration process from start to finish took us 8 days, whereas the DBS check took 5 days and it looks like the system checks all the documents. And then you wait 2 days for DPD to receive your just eat food bag.

Insurance: They just say you need insurance without any suggestions, so you will have to find it yourself.

Food bag: There are different types of bags available, but they are not free. You may get an unexpected jacket :) this is a surprise. Nice and comfortable, with two pockets.

Work: Sometimes ongoing work is available just when you open an app, but usually weekly shifts are available. You can choose or enter your availability in the app, which you need to do before each Wednesday. As you work you will see green areas to choose from and how busy they are. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to wait in line for your food or for the next customer during your shift.

App: The Just eat app drains your battery faster than the Deliveroo app.

Payments are weekly.


Once you can take part in the whole process and are not on a waiting list, the registration process also starts with a DBS check - there is no option to submit your details even if you have them. Once the DBS check is in progress, you can simply start waiting for your certificate, as soon as your insurance is confirmed.

Insurance: You can choose from 4 insurers that are suggested or that you choose yourself.

Food bag: All the items you need are free and you can choose a bag, jacket, magnetic stickers and more.

Work: You can take part in the delivery process as soon as you log into the app. It's simple. So pick your favourite area and go to work!

Payments: You can receive your payment within one day for an extra £0.50.


You can't send a DBS check, and once you've sent your insurance we've waited to hear back from Sterling on identity verification for a while. 

Insurance: You will be offered one insurance company, but you can also use your favourite if you found one.

Food bag: When you are ready to start work, there is no information about where you can order a bag of food so same as with the insurance, use your searching skills.

Work: One app uses much more battery than the others. It doesn't show how much money your delivery is worth, but you can check that information after you've made it. You don't use an order number like in Deliveroo and just eat, just the name of the person who ordered the food. You can be involved in the delivery process as soon as you log into the app.

There is a little surprise: an app may ask you to confirm that "you is you" and will do recognise if you are trying...

to unlock an app while you are driving then, simply saying that you are not allowed to do that and you have to stop somewhere. 

I hope that's helpful! Take care!

Monday, February 21, 2022

Work from home they said... - How?

How to make working from home a success?

Check our shop as we designed
not-so-serious clothes inspired by
the experience of working from home. 

The idea of working from home appeals to many people. There are often stories in the media about people who have given up their 9 to 5 - office jobs and managed to run a successful business from the comfort of their own homes. The idea may seem appealing, but it's not always that easy to do, especially in the beginning. In this article, I am going to give advice on what it takes to make a home business work and succeed in the future.

Anyone who works from home needs to be able to separate their home life from their work life. This may seem quite simple to do, but in reality, it is quite difficult. When you sit down at your desk to work in the office at work you don't even think about washing, ironing, cleaning or watching TV. However, the fact that the house can be untidy starts to bother you when you are working at home. You are able to fully concentrate on the work you are doing when you don't think about it or even know that you have to tidy up, cook dinner etc. When you work from home all these responsibilities are in your face and it can be very easy for you to fall into the trap of doing more household work than your actual business work.

During a session named: Personal goals,  FuuZzi can do prepare:  your financial plan, household rota and budgeting
During a session named: Personal goals,
 FuuZzi can do prepare: 
your financial plan, household rota and budgeting.

Home schedule - it is very important to be strong and disciplined. I have been working from home for about 4 years now, I set my own hours and changed them a couple of times depending on the variety of events which appears and time of the year as I have the family life to manage too. And for example, now I work from 6am until 2pm because between 6am and 9am nobody usually calls to me and the household is still asleep. I have an office which I only leave when I really have to, for example, to get a drink or go to the toilet. There is no TV in my office, only documents, a comfortable sofa and diplomas.

To succeed in working from home, you need to have a lot of self-confidence and learn to be disciplined and plan your next working day. FuuZzi helps you with this and you will see for yourself that some months everything goes smoothly, while in other months everything seems to go wrong. Self-confidence is essential to get through the negative periods as well as a bit of help as you will be taking on different roles from day to day and depending on the industry you could be your own secretary, engineer or organiser of outdoor events to promote your business.

you could be your own secretary, engineer or organiser of outdoor events to promote your business.
You could be your own secretary, organiser
IT manager, Marketing specialist or get help.

Budgeting - financial planning and money management at home, at work and on holiday - it's all yours now. I always find it useful to save money from periods when I'm doing well to cover costs in periods of business downturn and this helps me to move forward even when there is a shortage of clients, which just happened over the Christmas period for example. 

People who work from home need to be able to stay motivated no matter what. There is no boss to force us to work or other people to bounce ideas off of. Some people find that working from home can be quite lonely and quickly return to a full-time job where they have the opportunity to interact with other people more often. It's important to remember all the benefits of working from home when we have a slowdown or when we feel a bit lonely.

In my opinion, there is nothing better than being self-employed and working from home. I'm sure many other people can do it too if they just have the right attitude and are open enough to make some questions, research and abilities.

Friday, February 18, 2022

My experience with WWW...

Worst customer service ever - GoDaddy sites, Ugliest - WordPress, Most expensive I used - Squarespace. I've had websites with them but abandoned them for various reasons.

Dear GoDaddy Sites, your website builder inspired me, (it's quite nice and theoretically easy to use) to switch from Square Space. Where things were going really well until I needed a booking site. Which was just too expensive for me at the time. (£16 per month) I couldn't connect any others, even as a plugin or widget and that was the main reason for my decision to go elsewhere. The price of £25 per month for just the site without the ability to book was quite high and I couldn't afford to pay the extra £16. Still, it is a great offer as I have tried to set up a sales page and have a comparison. Although, on the other hand now I'm not even paying £20 for what I needed. Even if I wanted to, it was also impossible because Square Space accept only #businesspaypal - to be connected with a booking site and I couldn't set that up because they tried to tax me in the USA. My accountant, the city council, the employment agency and my lawyer all saw the documents sent by Business PayPal and no one could tell me what to do to stop them from closing my account and forcing me to pay tax in the US, in the end, I walked away from Business PayPal with no idea how to resolve this. 

When I left my beautiful Square Space website, where I also couldn't create multilingual pages and the only solution to have a page in another language was to write it a second time in another language - which, despite my great patience, was exhausting even for me.  I prepared a double page. Yes, two pages on which I wrote the same thing step by step. So that I could show my services, and in the end, I couldn't sell them because of the booking prices. They have a beautiful template very, very helpful customer service that will do everything you need in a real-time step by step with you but, they are too expensive for me and yet this inability to install plugins and no translation into other languages and only accepting Busines PayPal, well I couldn't deal with that. I'm probably not that flexible haha.

Dear GoDaddy Sites, since I started working with you I loose £300...
Dear GoDaddy Sites, since I started
working with you I lose £300...

GoDaddy was very helpful at this stage as the cheapest (much cheaper) option to get a booking site. But their customer service is the worst I have ever encountered - the worst!

1. The first issue appears, When you cancel an appointment for your client, there is no confirmation on their invoice, e-mail or whenever. You have to do it by yourself and first of all, be creative as F#*K. As the payment still appears on the website and your clients receive confirmation of their appointments via text and email, but not of the cancellation. Guess what, customer service can't help!

Most expensive website service I've used - Squarespace
Most expensive website service
 I've used - Squarespace
2. The second is your service descriptions, When you describe meetings or services in bullet points, it will be one long sentence in mobile view. And yes, I asked them for help. But customer service said it is what it is. Nothing can be done about it! They simply just don't care.

3. Multilingual site is possible or not, or whatever as every time you will get a different answer. 

Their customer service is the worst because they give you different information every time you make a request and they just piss away your needs but that part I found as interesting so, I started having fun. I have been able to talk to different people from their customer service, for the same question I was getting different answers. Even day after day because it becomes interesting to me sometimes I had the same question prepared and different answers as a daily routine!

For example;

I asked 5 times about developing multilingual websites during 3 months time and got 5 different answers:

  • The first one was; Impossible
  • The second; Give me an email, send me the code and wait two months and then it will come up.
  • The third; Switch to WordPress - What, how? Why? How much? Nothing more.
  • The Fourth; Instructions were given from their forum - where the description said it could be done, but in reality, it doesn't work. Guess what? They couldn't help then.
  • The Fifth; I mentioned this in live chat and they said I couldn't do it because the instructions were out of date or not in my plan. (surprise!) But the next login, log out and open chat was needed.

It took me a year to do it. OK, sometimes 

I tried to get various things done with their "help" But the final live chat/cancellation was the worst.

One morning when I tried to check my appointments were not working. So, I tried to solve just one more problem... The lady on the live chat said I had downgraded my site (WTF????) How? When? What? I haven't got any information about that cancellation.

The reason was...? - I guess that I accidentally clicked on the icon during my site editing. As I needed what I paid for! There was no way I could get my money back or cancel this cancellation following by their "help"! Thank you for showing me this in the Terms and Conditions. They asked me 3 times (!) to pay £79 again! For this! I have paid for it already and What happened there? There was no downgrade question, no email, nothing like a  "are you sure?". I have no idea about it as there was no message, warning etc. totally nothing! Customer service again worst ever. I quit GoDaddy and lost my money due to 6 unsolved issues in the first year of my journey with them.

6 unsolved issues in just a year with GoDaddy sites!
6 unsolved issues in just a year with GoDaddy sites!

Thursday, February 10, 2022

My experience with Business Networking

I visited business networking a bit like carollers, house-to-house or homeless people

I visited business networking a bit like carollers
I visited business networking meetings a bit like carollers,
door-to-door or homeless people.... knock knock!
 Can you let me in?!? Or giving me something?!?
One day I decided to join a Business networking group with no idea how many of them existed. And as it turned out, there are several, or even very many, from which it would be necessary to choose the one, that is, the perfect one! So, for two months, 3-4 times a week, (seriously - I have got each one in my calendar) I joined various business networking on Zoom. And a few others that I meet in person. I wanted to know what the differences were, how much they cost, what their benefits are, and where I could sign up knowing it was right for me....☝

I visited; FSB (interesting webinars are available online), NBN- Natural Business Network, Kent Business Network, Rebellious Business Network, The art of speech, Essex Business Network, MNC, IBN (the most serious one where people are paying for being a part of it), RIBA South Essex business network, Go business networking, CIS, Met @ 4 Network.

Business network meetings - some too serious,
some expensive, some not much welcome to become a part of it!

As you can see, I have searched carefully but have only found one that has really great people attending and the presenter doesn't stress anyone out, smiles and doesn't insult people for being human.👎

Comparatively, I will say that some are paid and others are not. Some meetings are downright unpleasant or only aimed at one type of person. There are also only for women or only for coaches, only for Christians, etc. 

Someone once told me that business networking is like a cult.
 They meet, not everyone can be there,
they make you pay for it,
and when you want to break free from them,
it's not so easy.

But I didn't consider them at all. I had encountered some of them before when I started my company. But there were others that I couldn't attend because there was already a trainer on their team or (I don't know what to call it) among the members and they didn't want another one. Nobody explained to me why. There were rules like that in at least 3 that I haven't listed here because I couldn't attend them. What a shame to be so unfriendly to other companies.

Funny enough, they all advertise that this is the right place for you and that they will help you with everything.👀

Just like me, huh? I already know how that sounds. But to the point. I visited the recommended ones first, and then the ones I found on my own. So, without offending anyone (I'll try, though sometimes it's difficult) - I'll tell about my impressions in points. Some of them relate to more than one networking meeting, but I will not list them. Because I may... have found myself at an unusual time and quite accidentally found myself at an unpleasant meeting, which has never happened before.😂 The thing I didn't like happened once or for the first time,  and all the other meetings are great and it just happened to me.... etc. 

Disgusted behaviour during a business network meetings in essex

So here we go;

Impression # 1: I almost fell asleep during the boring lectures on supposedly interesting topics, but told like a bedtime story. Where is that pitch speaking which everybody has to do?

Impression # 2: I don't know them yet, but they want money! I don't know why they want 5,000. a year for membership ... I don't even know if I want to be here, I don't even know them. Hello, what should I do? Why so expensive? It was kind of like having someone open the door for you when you were just knocking on the door to see if it was the right place, and they billed you for that knock. My emotions are as follows: a pinch of surprise, a tiny spoonful of annoyance, a half glass of laughter. And a slamming door!

Impression # 3. After the free 30 mins. even though I bought the ticket through Eventbrite, I was told by the lady on staff that I should pay (as if the ticket was in the free category) Right after that, one attendee said she had been paying for two years but wanted to unsubscribe because it wasn't worth it. (Very motivating! and I felt so sorry to her as she looked frustrated - not sure what they did to her). Ps. They still have free Eventbrite passes, and the woman who told me about paying was drastically unpleasant. My emotions here; how can one commit such a thing? 

How can others take part in it, one big disgust?

So, from start to finish I wasn't able to talk to anyone after saying hello, and yes their invitation was public online! Emotional stage: Soo confused...

Impression # 4: They were drinking coffee, talking about their topics related to hmm, everything! It was a bit like meeting your partner's family for the first time when you don't know each other and they talk amongst themselves and you have no idea what you can say because guess what.... you don't know each other! So, from start to finish I wasn't able to talk to anyone after saying hello, and yes their invitation was public online! Emotional stage: Soo confused...

So, just to be clear I wasn't an uninvited guest at any of them or someone who wasn't invited to the party to break in. I had about 3 of those meetings. Poor welcome to new members and zero openness of any kind.

I will add that all the magnifying links were legitimately purchased by me personally over the internet where business networking was advertised.

Impression # 5:Business networking meeting is a place where everyone talks about themselves and nothing comes of it. Leaving contact information or an offer to work together is only verbal and nothing happens after that. Not just in my example, but after repeating the meeting with them and the next one. Nothing happened, and when I mentioned it during the meeting, others confirmed it. People should share their contact information or be happy to invite each other after the meeting so they can do collaborate in the future, but during this meeting, there was a very cold atmosphere too. I don't know how come all these cold hearted people are here?

Impression # 6:Business networking's where everyone talks about their business for 3-5 minutes and .... silence follows. Why? Unknown. Nothing happens, no questions or feedback only silence. No comments, you present your business and move on, Neeext, please! moments later another person presents a business. There were 20 people there, it took an awfully long time (3 hours) and in the end, nothing happened too. There were 2 such business portals like this...

Impression # 7 Non-stop business networking, I was so tired after it. I don't know about you, but when I see that I'm signing up for a 3.5-hour meeting, I expect a break to breathe or go to the restroom. I arrived at this meeting at 9am, so it was already breakfast time. There were about 15 people gathered for a close-up and one eating. To me, this was not unusual, but to the presenter it was outrageous. 

She was terribly indignant and the atmosphere became very unpleasant, although before it was not nice at all.
How dare you be hungry or need to pee...
No break! You have to sit here!
It's The Business Network!
I'll say more than that, later on, someone had to leave with the dog. Someone else went to the toilet. Apparently, nothing more than 5 minutes was needed, but the host seemed to be getting more and more indignant. It's a good thing I didn't turn the camera on, because in the meantime I ate breakfast and cooked dinner. You could see on her face that she was disgusted with the behaviour of the participant who DARED to eat a roll! But that's not all, because the next one had to leave with her dog for 5min, for me it's still taking care of basic physiological needs, but for the leader, it's not. She was terribly indignant and the atmosphere became very unpleasant, although before it was not nice at all.

But there was no break from beginning to end, and the atmosphere was getting more and more unpleasant because of the guilt of others for daring to do something in the meantime, during the meeting.

And now, the business networking I stayed at and learned about from one outraged person who was probably looking for her own place, just like me.

Our parents teach us to speak and we grow up and can't speak, how's that? Unfortunately, that's the way it is and you have to learn from the ground up.

I found a group where they teach you how to speak. There are several experts there who can tell you if you speak fluently, what your tone of voice is, and if your tone of voice is right. How much valuable information was in your speech and what needs to be improved. What Interested Membership is free and there are classes in church rooms.

I love people who are willing to share their knowledge and experience to help. Let's share yours below, did you attend any Business Networking Meetings? How about your impressions?

I'm doing that myself as well. When I first attended, I thought; this is it! I need that kind of help! Not quirky business mentors and not the "path to success" of another person who has read the same books I have read. And not someone who should know the topic I'm talking about but is completely silent. I am here now! I'm in the middle of it! 

I am so happy that my journey from one business network to another has been successful!

Bongee - "If stress can kill you, then I will." he said

A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I lived believing that even though my pseudo-relationship was falling apart, I could manag...