Monday, February 21, 2022

Work from home they said... - How?

How to make working from home a success?

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not-so-serious clothes inspired by
the experience of working from home. 

The idea of working from home appeals to many people. There are often stories in the media about people who have given up their 9 to 5 - office jobs and managed to run a successful business from the comfort of their own homes. The idea may seem appealing, but it's not always that easy to do, especially in the beginning. In this article, I am going to give advice on what it takes to make a home business work and succeed in the future.

Anyone who works from home needs to be able to separate their home life from their work life. This may seem quite simple to do, but in reality, it is quite difficult. When you sit down at your desk to work in the office at work you don't even think about washing, ironing, cleaning or watching TV. However, the fact that the house can be untidy starts to bother you when you are working at home. You are able to fully concentrate on the work you are doing when you don't think about it or even know that you have to tidy up, cook dinner etc. When you work from home all these responsibilities are in your face and it can be very easy for you to fall into the trap of doing more household work than your actual business work.

During a session named: Personal goals,  FuuZzi can do prepare:  your financial plan, household rota and budgeting
During a session named: Personal goals,
 FuuZzi can do prepare: 
your financial plan, household rota and budgeting.

Home schedule - it is very important to be strong and disciplined. I have been working from home for about 4 years now, I set my own hours and changed them a couple of times depending on the variety of events which appears and time of the year as I have the family life to manage too. And for example, now I work from 6am until 2pm because between 6am and 9am nobody usually calls to me and the household is still asleep. I have an office which I only leave when I really have to, for example, to get a drink or go to the toilet. There is no TV in my office, only documents, a comfortable sofa and diplomas.

To succeed in working from home, you need to have a lot of self-confidence and learn to be disciplined and plan your next working day. FuuZzi helps you with this and you will see for yourself that some months everything goes smoothly, while in other months everything seems to go wrong. Self-confidence is essential to get through the negative periods as well as a bit of help as you will be taking on different roles from day to day and depending on the industry you could be your own secretary, engineer or organiser of outdoor events to promote your business.

you could be your own secretary, engineer or organiser of outdoor events to promote your business.
You could be your own secretary, organiser
IT manager, Marketing specialist or get help.

Budgeting - financial planning and money management at home, at work and on holiday - it's all yours now. I always find it useful to save money from periods when I'm doing well to cover costs in periods of business downturn and this helps me to move forward even when there is a shortage of clients, which just happened over the Christmas period for example. 

People who work from home need to be able to stay motivated no matter what. There is no boss to force us to work or other people to bounce ideas off of. Some people find that working from home can be quite lonely and quickly return to a full-time job where they have the opportunity to interact with other people more often. It's important to remember all the benefits of working from home when we have a slowdown or when we feel a bit lonely.

In my opinion, there is nothing better than being self-employed and working from home. I'm sure many other people can do it too if they just have the right attitude and are open enough to make some questions, research and abilities.

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