I suffer from the madness of others and my own body too.
Suffer from the madness of others. and still, be a good person, - that's the value!
In the past I was affected by Atopic Skin ALLERGY MORE OFTEN THAN NOW. then the body was very fickle, it likes to panic and I have to watch out for it. On what I eat, what I wear, what I touch, what I wash my clothes in and where and with whom I spend time. It is all about allergies. No, I don't have the usual allergies that most people have, such that I eat a peanut and suffocate (I'm not belittling - it's a very dangerous allergy), but I do have some that appear suddenly or have always been there, only now, at one point, they appear with such intensity as if they wanted to kill me. Such allergies include, for example, a sudden allergy to soap, cleaning products or cosmetics. In 3 minutes without warning and even when I have already used a super extra hypoallergenic cosmetic several times. (It's funny that someone can still ask this question - did I really buy for allergy sufferers? ) My face can swell up like a balloon, my eyes can fill up with pus and the locals neigh boroughhood can have a panic attack just in a few minutes. The other interesting allergy is kiwi allergy - but it's not like I've always had it and it's weird... Oh no, I've had it for 2 months and every time I eat a kiwi I throw up. Just like that... Just like that, for a few hours, not being able to catch my breath, clogging my nose until it hurts, swelling in my sinuses, tears in my eyes...🥝 And what strange reactions do you guys have? The interesting thing is that the allergies mixed when I was pregnant and stayed with me for 7 long years, where I couldn't live like normal people and ended up in the hospital several times a month.... for seven years, I'm glad I'm still alive! You have no idea how much I appreciate life after the sometimes drastic experience of having an autoimmune disease. Some don't believe I will.
2 tablets to get up without pain, 3 other for breakfast, 1 for dinner, 2 in the middle of the night.
I have had allergies since birth and they are sometimes a bigger and sometimes a smaller part of my life. I've been allergic to something ever since I was born, and it's not always been possible to do anything about it. When I was a baby my allergy was resolved with a diet of rice and carrots, to which, as it later turned out, I was also allergic. As well as other strange things, such as chicken - chicken or, as I now know, penicillin, which they give them so that they are healthy and don't get sick, they stuff them with it as a preventative measure. I used to think I had it for milk too, but cow penicillin is also given in bulk, so you can't really tell if it's the product or the processing. Processing these days is a serious problem. And more and more of it is being done. There are studies that show how much sugar and chemicals are now in every food. Even foods that shouldn't have any at all. E.g. sugar in bread, or flour in ham. It is interesting to note that I was not allergic to gluten until 10 years ago. Now, my stomach swells, I want to sleep, my whole body swells or only my eyes and pus flows from them. Because gluten is a genetically modified part of the food.

Thanks to this, it is sold better, less is added and more money are made. If you want to believe it or, you don't want to believe it that's your choice. Usually, it's the allergy sufferer who knows best what makes him allergic, right?
Well, not always, because I can be allergic to something all of a sudden, as I mentioned above. Disappearing allergies is also fun, and it's my favourite ;). Apart from the fact that I lived in a time when, in primary school, I used to fall asleep in the corridor as so popular Zyrtec tablets which I was taking to suffer from allergy reactions made me feel sleepy that bad as it was out of control. If you have ever used it, you know that it causes such a relaxation of the body that you don't fall asleep but rather drift off, and my headmistress was able to call my mother because of this and, to the joy of other children, call me a junkie. So I had, according to most people who saw me with skin damaged by allergies, "heroin injection holes", which was another reason to hate primary school and undereducated peers, as well as their parents and older colleagues. Kids are kids, but parents? Well, at the age of 16 I, fortunately, got rid of my allergies, according to my doctor hormones helped in this process, and according to the fuckers I just quit doing drugs.
Funny how I can be not allergic to something today and become tomorrow, genetic modification of food makes life more interesting.
Have you ever experienced unequal treatment from other people for reasons beyond your control, such as a disease you were born with? If so, you know how terrible it is, especially for a child who may not understand what is happening to them, or who understands but cannot communicate it to others. Children can be terrible, adults are terrible too sometimes. To them, karma comes back, but to us? It teaches a lot, like empathy and understanding for others.
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