Saturday, February 12, 2022

4 easy ways to start your new business

mother of 4 who stays at home to take care of them and the house will start a business differently than a father of 4 who is busy working full time.
Mother of 4 who stays at home
to take care of them and the house
will start a business differently than,
a father of 4 who is busy working full time.

4 ways to start your new business 

There are 4 ways to start a new business, it all depends on you, your current situation and needs, idea, skills, availability etc.

Why 4?

Because a mother of 4 who stays at home to take care of them and the house will start a business differently than a father of 4 who is busy working full time.

#1. NEA - New Enterprise Allowance - 52 weeks support

Available to job seekers, people who have lost their jobs and anyone receiving certain benefits. 52 weeks of support during monthly or weekly group calls where you can get the guidance, learn more information, and get good contacts to start your business. They are also available during 1-2-1 sessions via e-mail and over the phone. Initially, they will review your business plan before you can attend. So be prepared to provide a business idea, a name, preferably a logo, and decide whether it will be a limited company or sole trader (I can direct you to the right places to see the differences between the two). 

Oh + £1200 which is not counted as income and is not refundable, plus you can take out a loan and get some guidance regarding it from them.

I visited business networking a bit like carollers,

house-to-house or homeless people

#2.Hire a business advisor

Hire a business advisor, most of them have 3 free sessions where you can get any support from a business idea, business plan, marketing research etc. They are knowledgeable in every topic related to business basically. It is also a good way to start a business with good strategy, professional support and stress-free

#3 Business Networking

Take part in business networking. This is also popular for those who are eager to make new business contacts, share their product or service. You will be able to know the market a little better than before and give your business a bright start. But be careful here; you need to have your business name and basic information ready to show up because they will ask what you do, what your services are, etc. Let me know if you need help because this is what I do. To see some samples of Business Networking's go HERE and read about my personal experience. There are lots of them! 

#4 - quick and easy

Short Plan - This is the best quick and possible for busy moms with a passion or hobby. You can participate on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube or any other website where you can, for example, showcase your hobby business idea; hobbies, crafts, services, etc. don't have time to set up a professional website? No worries, just store on Instagram or Etsy and let me know if you need any help as it will automatically appear on your Facebook page, which is also not difficult. It doesn't require much attention. And the best part is that you don't have to register your business until you reach 1,000 pounds, which means you can try it and be mistake-free or set aside time until your little one is older (fanfare).

So, there are many different ways to do this, which 4 are the most important in my opinion let me know which one would you prefer to use!

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