Work from home they said... - How?
How to make working from home a success? Check our shop as we designed not-so-serious clothes inspired by the experience of working from home. The idea of working from home appeals to many people. There are often stories in the media about people who have given up their 9 to 5 - office jobs and managed to run a successful business from the comfort of their own homes. The idea may seem appealing, but it's not always that easy to do, especially in the beginning. In this article, I am going to give advice on what it takes to make a home business work and succeed in the future. Anyone who works from home needs to be able to separate their home life from their work life. This may seem quite simple to do, but in reality, it is quite difficult. When you sit down at your desk to work in the office at work you don't even think about washing, ironing, cleaning or watching TV. However, the fact that the house can be untidy starts to bother you when you are working at home. You...