Tuesday, February 7, 2023

I got tired of working from home so... I decided to go to a second job.

 You can make a molehill out of working from home, really. I always support, endorse, and recommend this kind of independence to everyone. I run meetings and courses to teach how to organize your time and spend your money wisely and with investment. But it's been more than three years since I decided to start my own business and I was feeling very tired.  

Not because I could have coffee at whatever hour I wanted and not because I was the one who decided what time I got out of bed. But still, since my previous job 'chased me out'... XD and I'm already explaining - I've never been chased out of a job, but in almost every job there comes a point when the music goes to turn off (literally), and soon afterward things start happening that are clearly a message from the world that I should leave because something else is already waiting for me elsewhere.  - The thing is, as soon as the radio station goes down, or the music license is taken away, or there is a change of management who don't like the music, etc. situations arise that push me away from the current work to the next one, even if I stubbornly want to stay, as in the case of the hotel where I used to work till I tear a tendon in my finger.

since 30 August 2019, when I swapped a job in a warehouse for a job for myself shortly after receiving my life coaching diploma, I have tried to function in a 'going forward' mode every day from 6 am until I go to bed.

This is how, since 30 August 2019, when I swapped a job in a warehouse for a job for myself shortly after receiving my life coaching diploma, I have tried to function in a 'going forward' mode every day from 6 am until I was going to bed. I'm sure I got tired of it because I got to a point where the business was running itself, so to speak, and I became fixated on improving it and ran out of ideas.

I highly recommend this kind of refocusing, where we do something completely different so that we can refresh our thoughts a little bit and refocus with a fresh and not-tired outlook and thinking on the things we would still like to do. What exactly am I doing right now to be able to achieve this? Packaging biscuits! For one of the chain shops established over 100 years ago. And I make no secret of it, it helps.

But it hasn't been easy for me to find work, for most of the jobs I am overqualified and that's no small problem in the UK.

for most of the jobs I'm convinced of, and that's no small the problem in the UK.
Overqualified jobseeker XD

What did I do? Of course, as is usual for me, I went on a CV writing course :) And I not only just re-educate myself enough by those smarter than myself (Yes, there still are some) I solved my problem as well. Because when I wrote my CV, I simply put all my courses, schools, and training courses in there, just like a normal person ( I guess but I am not). And then I was surprised that they didn't want to take me on to work in a bar or even a hotel, where I saw no problem in relaxing about something simpler than managing my own business.

 My future employers, however, saw many obstacles. Because let's be honest, all the courses and training I had taken were so that I could manage the company with confidence, and my future employer was looking at my HR background, 2 languages, diplomas, business management, etc. with concern for (I guess) their position or maybe something else. And he wasn't convinced during the interview whether he could offer me a job in the CHOSEN position.

I had to learn how to write ANOTHER KIND OF CV. That is, I had to learn how to write a CV in such a way that I would get the job I wanted, not one that matched my qualifications.

Logically my CV matched the position I was in but I didn't create my own company to improve someone else's. That is, according to my CV, the type of job I could have had was business developer, advertising manager or people manager, etc., and those were the types of jobs that companies who found my CV online were calling me with. At the same time, I also did a couple of courses in employment law - to be able to hire people to work for me. And that wasn't something my future employer wanted to see on the CV either, because as it turned out in this case, knowing the law was detrimental ;) Even during the interview.

I would like to point out that I have of course added CV writing after this course to my list of services as I could not fail to benefit from it. I am happy to say that my CV writing for clients has had the desired effect on me:

- A job as a cook for a guy who worked 7 years in a warehouse but always wanted to work as a cook.


- A corporate job at Google for a guy who for the last few years has been jumping from job to job from warehouse to food delivery and so on.

So I can high-five myself! Let me know HERE if you need a CV - That's part of "Personal goals." services. And I'm off to pack my biscuits :)

P.S. To say that there are still people smarter than me is of course an obvious joke. For those who don't understand, it's about those who think I'm the smartest, because I'm not, but I have a lot of knowledge, and because I like to share it, it's sometimes not very well received.

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